The Project Lifend, born from the idea of the black metal singer Lucifera, to create a horror movie that has a metal soundtrack,
and metal musicians who act in the movie. Blazed by this idea, one night she finds the inspiration to write a story that could be
well adapted to this venture. So, she gives life to the characters of Daedur / Selene, Dagor, Tarel.
We need your support to realize this fantastic project.
The movie will be financed by crowdfunding, and many prizes will be paid to those who support us in this wonderful adventure.
Once collected the necessary money, the film will be shot in Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Directed by Roberto and Maurizio Del Piccolo, among whose works we mention:
"The Hounds", "Evil Souls", and "My Little Sister".
The screenplay will be edited by Roberto Del Piccolo and Lucifera.